So some news, friends. You may be a user of our Florida Citizen website (we hope you are, it has most of what you need to teach civics!) , and if so we hope that you find our resources useful!
We recently relaunched the site, to better align with University of Central Florida style guides. Most of the material is the same but the look is different!

So as you can see here, we do need you to re-register on the site to access the materials, which of course remain free! Click the embedded video at the top of this post to learn about the registration process and some of the changes.
One of the new features we are excited about is in our Civics in Real Life section. It is now searchable by tag and subject! Just type in the civics content you are looking for and it will populate a list of one page Civics in Real Life resources, and you can preview without downloading.

The site will continue to be updated over the next few weeks, and of course it all is free.
Looking for the lesson plans? Click resources, then Middle School Applied Civics Resources!

Any questions or issues, please email us anytime!!!